
LiFe & MoNeY

well when i start this blog around last weeks, i didn't know what is it for but then i do realize what it is all is about my life n HOW MONEY GIVEN FREE TO YOU WHILE U SURFING =)


About Me

My photo
ordinary person with simple life i nvr interfere others life so dun u eva interfere me ok? =p

feel free to share =)

Cerita Pasal Kwn2 =_=

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - - 0 Comments

ok ramai kawan2 saye berkate sy tidak men capubkan name mereka di blog ini he3! jgn marah ye rakan2,

so kali ni aku nak bukak citer ttg event2 yg korunk akan nmpk dlm gambar nnt ok....
so 1st event yg x dpt lupe tahun ni sal our Gambang trip its damn fun ok!

its damn cool!
walaupon hanye sekejap tp lps la kami dari pelbagai duka dan lare dari test n assement yg belambak2
tambah2 dr ehem2! hu3!

ade lagi lps gambang kt org ad dinner mlm tuh n yg x besnye......

ZoRRo  =_=
mmg gle btol coz bnd nie happen cam org giler
aku pon x expect tok belakon gni
laen plan lain yg jd actually tp buat2 dunno jek kui3!

so sedar x sedar mase ber lalu and tibelah hari yg x berapa di gemari oleh insan bernama afiq arham
begini kisahnya.........


balik dr men bola beliau ckp beliau ok and itu bnd biase ttp beliau buat dunno......
keesokan hari sudah x dpt berjln mule la merangkak2 satu rumah mcm peminta sedekah saje(jgn mare yerrr)
so korunk msty nak tgk gmbr tongkat die

x dpt nak tunjuk coz da msk medec smule...

yg aq blh tunjuk bos menambahkan berat semase die x dpt bersukan
msty korunk nak tgk kan jap eaaaa ad pic so enjoy! =)

n my pics also la he3! janaaaa c u later yaaaa

Air takde arghh!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - - 0 Comments

Sucks and Sucks keep coming rite infront of my head, geram btol la ble air x de ni...ape la akan jadi minggu ni lau air keep like diz....maka dengan itu saye da list out pe akan dgn ini mari kite tgk consequence2 nye:

1. clas pagi akan di "anggap" batal

2. theres no mean to wake up early for me

3. will skip my morning clas

4. may be sued at uitm court for this

5. gosh! it damn suckssssss!!!!

huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i tot when i live @ jungle there's no problem especially in water supply,
if it involve electric supply then i could considere it because  jengka @ jungle is very dominan place...if things like this keep coming...its totally affect my final dddddd huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa last sem da hancurrrr this sem i tink theres few oppurtunity but if it goes like this.....i would be in hell la huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!


Monday, March 15, 2010 - - 0 Comments

ok actually camne nak mulekan crite aku ni ek.....hurmmmmmm agak susah tp aku try my best la the easy way to express it i'm a single guy rite now....its over so i need to move on to let my journey of life doesnt end up rite here rite guys? so start dari skrng blog ni akan ade 2 functions coz aku kne buat keje yang bapak aku da pass kan kat aku so this blog will be for my advertisement for my internet biz and myself (of course becoz its my blog daa!) keh3 by the way maybe most of us still wondering how did this young guy nowadays make their real fast money in those days so i'm bringing u something different in this post try to check out on link given =)

At LasT...

Friday, March 12, 2010 - - 1 Comments

well harini akan berakhirnye satu seksaan bagi kami budak b.acc part 5 becoz semuanye da abes!!! presentation, test yang berganda2 semuanya finishhhhh.... so diz week blk focus tok having time wif my family n her =) maybe smlm aku x tau pon aku jwb ape dlm tax tuh tapi paling kurang da study dari x tau pape kan.... paling2 tau la tax itu crite psal ape sblm ni dok dlm clas menonong jek ikot org kannnn by the way to my frenz yg tinggal kat jengka especially acap boss and lock have ur own weekends yeaaaa org balik korunk terperuk la kat utan niiiii!!1 =pp padan muke korunk semua! keh3! well2 aku semalam hampir pengsan sbb tgk muke budak2 ni sumer resah gelisah menjawab soalan tax tpppppp aku sndirik pon glisah teramat sehingga p.a puan shima pun gelak2 sudehhhhh x bleh blah sungguh.... kepada atiqah aku rase die skor ni abes2 coz msty pade die sng sgt soalan smalam =p welll sampai sini je dlu later i'll post again wheteher u notice or not..... i'm very excited to do this blogg ngeeee =)

One Down One To Go!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - - 1 Comments

so sambung balik citer sal amek test IBM actually naseb la soalan ok and pe yang aku bace masuk so x d la sakit sgt.....skrng tgh struggle tok tax plak...huwaaaaaa camne nak wat tax wehhh aku asyik tuang then x wat latihan memanjang keh3 tp yang pasti strive for success fail ke lulus ke blkng cite jnji ushe rite??? well nampaknye x dating la aku sabtu ni coz somebody in moody i choose not to interfere her before things come worst.....lalalala balik ari jumaat nieee x sabar rasenyer nak balik rumahhhhhh well2 before balik rumah ade 1 war lagi dat is ais....kne present and submit report walau ape pun terjadi kne wat sampai abes gambate!!!!!!1 actually cube korunk komen sikit pe yg korunk expect dr blog aku nie ek?

Malam Sudah But..........

Monday, March 8, 2010 - - 0 Comments

haih jenuh nak abeh kan satu buku......amat memenatkan otak aku yg bace cm nak gile...
asal la ibm x senang cam blaja bm time zmn2 skolah dlu....kan2? buleh membuatkan aku darah tinggi camnie...esok nak kne submit assement far plokkkkkk aduihhhh pninnnnn.... sesungguhnye degree amat menyeksakan tuhan jola tau nyoooo den ponek dah niii so catch u later ya frenz smbung stdy lg =)

how money come fast?


well better aku bagitau korunk sume camne nak dpt duit dr blog ni..
snang and simple cek die anta kat umah ko x yah kuar sesen pon juz customize korunk nye blog and add gadget yg name adsense cume tmbh iklan dr google yg akan d advertise kan kat blog korunk evry click yg g kat situ makne nye ade la duit korunk jln twink2 =) try yaaaa


1st EnTrY =)


well ari ni sakit perot n cirit birit (x tau la buat2 @ btol2) tp yg penting dpt mc tok sehari..
rase aman hiduppp keh3! balik dr medec blasah nasik lemak kat rantau yg ade daging bakar mmg classs. balik rumah sume da g class tggl abu saje....beliau tewas d medan tempur hari ini lalu class burn jadinye...then study ibm yg bapak bosan bulih membuatkan aku sakit otak nampaknye minggu ni t_t tp x pe diz week goback home!!! got 2 test n 1 presentation to be solve diz week. aha! ade satu bnd nak citer aku soh boss amek nasik aku kat talk..he3! tq2 coz took it 4 me yaaa bossss! even kne maki redo je la janji perot knyang ye dokkk well datz all for this time being later i'll post again =)